Looking to Replace AKG N700 Headphones with Something That Supports aptx LL
Hello all,
I recently bought a Bluetooth adapter for my Nintendo Switch thinking it would be pretty handy to pair with my N700 headphones.
I knew there would possibly be some delay for gaming but figured it would only really matter for rhythym and music based games in which case I'd just wire up.
Wow, was not expecting quite so much delay.. very noticeable. For the most part it still doesn't matter unless you need perfect audio sync and I'm getting used to it but still a little annoying.
Since the BT adapter I bought supports aptx LL I'm thinking about selling my headphones and getting another pair. I'm not desperate for them to be noise cancelling, mostly the aptx LL support, but it would be nice if they sounded similar to the ones I've got now.
I'm hardly an audiophile, I was using some cheap Turtle Beach Earforce Z2 headphones that I got for $30 and they did the job, good sized earpieces too. Got made redundant just recently but they opened up the existing stock for very cheap to the staff before it went to auction after, so I got the N700 for $5.50 brand new and figured it would be a great upgrade which is had been.
So basically, I'm thinking whatever I can hope to Gumtree flip my N700 for is my budget, maybe $150? I've been looking at the Avantree line and there are two models which look to fit the bill, any thoughts from anyone that might have purchased?
Avantree Audio Pro AS9P
And the
Avantree Aria Pro AS90P
Many thanks for looking and appreciate and replies!
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